Theological Development and Training in India
theological education, India, Vatican II, comparative theology, contextual theology, feminist theology, pluralism, integrationAbstract
I think that all theology is contextual, whatever its pretensions. I wonder whether we can speak of broad systems and grand narratives in a post-modern world. We have to come to terms with pluralism in a positive, non-relativist, sense. Yet Indian theologians feel marginalized in the Church today. Though the demographic shift of the Church is towards the South, Euro-Americans still think that they are the centre of the Church and of theology. Actual power relations are structured that way. The other contextual theologies are reduced to peripheral status. If an Indian theologian is invited to any international meeting it will normally be to talk about inter-religious dialogue and its consequences for Christology and mission. His interaction with the others will be one-sided. He has to have one foot in Euro- America. He will be expected to be familiar with Euro-American languages, cultures, questions, and theologies. Very few Euro-Americans will know anything about Indian or other Third-World cultures, religions, questions, and theologies, in spite of the valiant efforts
of agencies like Institut Missio to promote such knowledge. This may be the moment to place on record our grateful recognition of the continuing contribution of Institut Missio to the growth and development of Indian and other contextual theologies.
Karl Rahner said that at the Second Vatican Council the Church became aware of being a global Church and a Catholic communion of local Churches. That dream has yet to become a reality. But the Indian theologians are trying to make their own small contribution hoping for the coming of better times.
Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Amaladoss
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