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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors declare that they are aware that they are solely responsible for the content of the preprint and that the deposit in the Curriculum Theologiae library does not mean any commitment on the part of the Curriculum Theologiae, except its preservation and dissemination.
  • The authors declare that the preparation of the manuscript followed the ethical norms of scientific communication.
  • The authors agree that the approved manuscript will be made available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.
  • The deposited manuscript is in PDF format.
  • The authors declare that the data, applications, and other content underlying the manuscript are referenced.

Author Guidelines

Curriculum Theologiae accepts submissions from authors and journals in areas of theological and philosophical education.

Submissions fall under two major categories:

1) Prepublication versions of manuscripts (i.e., preprints) that have been submitted or are in the final stages of submission to a peer-reviewed academic journal.
2) Previously published research that you wish to make Open Access. Please note that we do not accept the publisher's typeset Version of Record (though exceptions exist), but rather the pre- (Author's Original Version) and post-(Accepted Manuscript) print versions. If you are unsure, please email us and we will be happy to help.

We accept the following article types: original research, current opinions, commentaries, review articles, conference papers, case studies, technical reports, and short communications. However, we do not accept blog posts or other communications that do not adhere to academic publishing standards. Before sharing your work, we suggest you check your target journal's policy on the posting of preprints.

Please note that these guidelines are subject to change and view our FAQ page for a broader explanation of what can be submitted.

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