How is Theological Formation Done Today
Is there an Integration with Other Disciplines
Catholic education, theological education, India, integration, social sciences, dialogue, Richard H. RobertsAbstract
Catholic theological Institutions are only one component of the total field of Christian theological formation in India. Other theological Institutions which come under the educational agencies like Senate of Serampore and Asian Theological Association (along with its kindred associations) take the theological formation in India to further richer experiences; And, the Chairs or Departments of Christian Studies, functioning in secular State and Deemed Universities, give a specific thrust in the area of integration with secular disciplines. The latter ones, especially by their very location in secular Universities, offer good opportunities for integration of theological formation with other disciplines.
The efforts of all these Institutions do point to a measure of the integration of other disciplines in our theological education. However, the depth and character of this ‘integration' have to be gauged by relating it to further levels of theological formation by asking questions like, ‘Do researches integrate other disciplines effectively in their methodologies and interpretative schemes in their pursuit of theological knowledge?', ‘Do theological publications integrate other disciplines in their writings?', ‘Do theological students who grow to be theological teachers integrate the insights of other disciplines in their teaching and writings?' , ‘Do theological students who grow to be pastors integrate the insights of other disciplines in their pastoral praxis?', etc. A short reflection in this regard is in place here.
Based on my general observation, I would like to undertake this reflection by relating to the five typologies proposed by Richard H. Roberts on the integration of theology to social sciences.
Barnes, Michael Horace, ed. Theology and the Social Sciences, The Annual Publication of the College Theological Society. vol. 46, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2000.
Clayton, Philip. “Theology and the Physical Sciences," in The Modern Theologians – An Introduction to Christian Theology Since 1918, edited by David F. Ford and Rachel Muers, 342 – 356. USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
Gill, Robin, ed. Theology and Sociology: A Reader. Cassell, 1996.
Gill, Robin. Social Context of Theology. London: Mowbrays, 1975.
Roberts, Richard, H. “Theology and the Social Sciences," in The Modern Theologians – An Introduction to Christian Theology Since 1918, edited by David F. Ford and Rachel Muers, 370 – 389 (USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005).
Roberts, Richard, H. Religion, Theology and the Human Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Wilfred, Felix. “The Struggles of Liberation Theology for a New Paradigm: Any Lessons for Social Sciences" Review of Development and Change, vol. IV, no. 1, (Jan-June 1999), 121-148.
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