The Challenge of Interculturality and Contextualisation in Theologising in Africa
Reflections on Missed Opportunities
Christian theology, Africa, contextualisation, inculturation, interculturality, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Ad GentesAbstract
Conclusion: As a conclusion, we can say that while there are official documents allowing African Churches to contextualise in different areas, there have been few successful implementations of this because of the following reasons. Firstly, despite its openness to contextualisation, the official Church still expresses unease with regard to authentic inculturation. Secondly, the African Church leaders and theologians manifest some fear in assuming their responsibilities. This could be due to the hurts that they have experienced in their cultural identity. It is difficult for somebody who has been hurt in his/her cultural identity to create and be innovative. Thirdly, in Africa Church leaders have not worked together with the theologians and Christians at the grassroots level, as this happened in Latin America, to develop a theology that is relevant. Despite all this and the opportunities that have been missed, the African Church still has a chance to inculturate the gospel.
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