Interdisciplinarity as a Means to Effectively Engage with the Abuse in Mission and Church
theological education, pastoral care, interdisciplinarity, mission, church, sexual abuse, Africa, dialogue, Pope Francis, vulnerability, UbuntuAbstract
Concluding Remarks: Religious transformation and theological education transformation is not a byproduct of the knowledge informed by a faith that is taught but the end of the process: allowing people to become new beings, integrally transformed. However, framing relevant educational objectives will not be enough to design religious and theological education as a transformative process. The process is key. The process, the how is very important. Yet, the process seems to be a forgotten and neglected dimension of theological education. The transformation takes place in the process. The quality of the product depends highly on the process, not only on the intention or expected outcomes. In Veritatis Gaudium, Pope Francis invites us to review the content as well as the pedagogy of ecclesiastical studies. It highlights the content and the pedagogy in order to initiate a courageous cultural revolution in ecclesiastical studies in a creative but faithful way. Within the process of theological education is the interactions.
How do we practice theological education? How shall we practice religious and theological education in order to instigate a transformation process? How do we operationalize religious and educational objectives? A transforming understanding of faith through reason implies a need to seek an effective way of doing theology and religious training, which has an immediate implication on life and the praxis. Interdisciplinarity, dialogue, and systemic connection between theology and pastoral care are concrete attitudes that Pope Francis suggests creating a new way of doing theology for our time.
Arthur Ciaramicoli and Katherine Ketcham. The Power of Empathy. England: Penguin Books, 2000.
Pope Francis, "Veritatis Gaudium", Vatican, 2018.
Pope Francis, “Letter to the Church in Chile”, 2018.
Pope Francis, "Fratelli Tutti", Vatican, 2020.
Brad C. Hambrick. Vulnerability : Blessing in the Beatitudes. New York: P. & R Publishing, 2012, p.7.
David H. Jensen. Graced Vulnerability: A Theology of Childhood. New York: Pilgrim, 2005.
Roberto Sirvent. Embracing Vulnerability: Human and Divine. Oregon, Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2015.
Marie-Jo Thiel. L’Eglise Catholique face aux Abus Sexuels sur Mineurs. Paris : Bayard, 2019.
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