Preprint / Version 1

European theology facing modernisation and its transformation processes


  • Patrick Becker University of Erfurt



theological education, Europe, secularisation, modernisation, diversity, transformation, interdisciplinarity, contextualization, transcendence


Transformation processes in modern Europe not only led to a loss of power and influence for the churches (secularisation) but also to a change in the worldview of the individual: Although in most European countries the majority still belongs to a Christian church, the traditional Christian faith is disappearing. There is still an awareness of transcendence, but on a "lower" level that does not necessarily include an otherworldly God or an afterlife. Theology must face and reflect on this societal situation if it is to retain its importance in Europe. To do this, it is necessary to carefully follow social developments in discussions with other disciplines.

Author Biography

Patrick Becker, University of Erfurt

Patrick Becker has recently been appointed professor at the University of Erfurt´'s Faculty of Catholic Theology, Fundamental Theology, and Philosophy of Religion. He previously taught in Aachen at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule RWTH.

For more articles by Patrick Becker please see IxTheo.


