Challenges for Theological Formation in Today’s India
The Level of Research and Publications
christian education, theological education, india, research, publications, seminary, missiological studies, inculturation, indian christian theologyAbstract
Conclusion: Indian theology exists and is alive. Like any living reality it runs its own risks, but mostly, it represents a great hope. Research and publications make the theology vibrant and active. While there have been original contributions from some faculties and centers of higher learning, one has to acknowledge that some of the publications tend to be repetitions and at times a bit superficial. Teachers and students of theology have to recognize that we belong necessarily to a certain horizon and that there is no absolute theological viewpoint that would come down ready made from heaven. More is to be done to revitalize Indian theology which while remaining true to God and to the dynamic creativity of the Spirit, must remain true to man in the on-going sharing with and discovery of the human horizons.
Copyright (c) 2013 Arulselvam Rayappan

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