Preprint / Version 1

Contextualization and Excellence for Theological Formation in India/Asia Today


  • Harald Suermann Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Missio



Christliche Ausbildung, Theologische Ausbildung, Philosophiestudien, Asien, Indien, Vergleichende Theologie, Vatikanum II, Kontextuelle Theologie, Multikulturalität, Dialog, Zusammenarbeit, Finanzielle Unterstützung


The results of this conference should be some suggestions on how to improve theological teaching and what help is needed and desired. But we should be aware of the duration and the workload of theological studies. We cannot put everything into the curriculum which seems to be important, good, and necessary. Theological studies are already long, many people say even too long. In practice, this means that we have to choose and diversify the studies. I know that Rome decrees many of the aspects of the curriculum but the space for own ideas should be used. Space for ideas and suggestions is very wide through the place for their realization may be small.


Harald Suermann, Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Missio

Prof. Dr. Harald Suermann, Catholic theologian and orientalist, is a lecturer in the science of the Christian Orient at the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn and teaches within the module Interreligious Competence and Mediation of the Master’s course at the University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches in Vienna in cooperation with the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, class world religions. From 1986-1988 he was a research assistant at the Orient Institute in Beirut and Istanbul and in 2010 took part in the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East.

For further literature by Harald Suermann please see IxTheo.


