Preprint / Version 1

Theology Formation of Candidates to Priesthood in an International Congregation: Emerging Challenges

Perspectives from the Claretian Congregation


  • Mathew Vattamattan Claretian Missionaries



Catholic education, theological education, interculturality, Christian mission, Claretian congregation


Conclusion: We have all the reasons to be thankful to God for the many vocations in Asia and Africa and most of these young men are generous with their lives to serve the Church. Certainly, there are many socio-political factors that play a significant role both positively and negatively in the process of their formation. Many of these men will also eventually serve in other parts of the world. We need to promote a holistic formative program that facilitates personal transformation in the students by assimilating their seminary studies with a view of building the Kingdom of God in their respective geographical areas. The need of the hour is a paradigm shift in the way studies are envisaged in the seminaries. Most professions in the secular world have made great progress in the way they train their personnel to be effective in the area of their specialization and contribution in the world. Training of Church personnel needs to take care of the formation of the whole person who communicates the values of the Gospel. This requires a shift of focus from content to the process of formation geared to the essence of formation: conformity with Christ. The role of formators and professors too requires a similar shift from being teachers to facilitators who accompany the young men in the process of personalizing the treasures of the Church so that they can give it out credibly.


