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Nigeria, Dialogue Based on the Theology of Hospitality


  • Gideon Pwakim St. John Vianney Minor Seminary, Nigeria



Nigeria, Afrika, religiöser Pluralismus, Vielfalt, Gastfreundschaft, interreligiöser Dialog, religiöse Gewalt, muslimisch-christlicher Dialog


Conclusion: It is needless to state that religion is both a source of conflict and a resource for peace but that attention is being devoted in recent times to the deployment of religion as an instrument for peace. Therefore, it is my view that the greatest treasure that religion can contribute to the transformation of conflict in Nigeria is theological. And based on the Christian theology of an ethic of hospitality, I recommended the need to pursue a theology of hospitality for Nigeria. The Church in Nigeria must seek to understand, teach and practice it in its relationship with Muslims. It is hoped that such a theology of hospitality will make Nigeria more liveable, more peaceful and more reconciled. Some strategies to achieve these are the task of the next chapter.


Gideon Pwakim, St. John Vianney Minor Seminary, Nigeria

Gideon Pwakim was an Institute of Missiology scholar and holds a PhD in missiology on religious violence and peace. He is the rector of the St. John Vianney Minor Seminary, Barkin Ladi, Plateau State, Nigeria.


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