Preprint / Version 1

Excellence in and Relevance of Theological Formation

The Impact of Contextual Theological Formation on the Academic World and Other Religions


  • Jacob Parappally Tejas Vidya Peetah, Institute of Mission-oriented & Contextual Theology, Bangalore, India



Catholic education, theological education, India, Vatican II, priestly formation, interdisciplinarity, contextualisation, dialogue


A theologian, especially in India, is blessed with the experience of two worldviews, Indian and Western. If the Indian worldview is largely influenced by the Hindu religious tradition the Western worldview is predominantly Christian. But in order to evolve a relevant contextual catholic theology, it is imperative that theologizing takes into account both these world-views which are complementary in understanding and experiencing the entire reality of God, human, and the world. Without the Indian insight into the radical relationship of everything expressed through the advaitic intuition and through the emphasis on the epistemological principle of identity, theology can become exclusive, triumphalistic, and sectarian. Without the Western emphasis on the principle of contradiction theologizing in the Indian context can get mired in confusion without proper and clear distinctions in understanding reality. Contextual theological studies can promote an inclusive pluralism that recognizes the plurality of approaches to Truth and their essential inter-relationships. So what is needed is not a mere tolerance and coexistence among various religions, cultures, and academic disciplines but a co-insistence and concord. When all academic disciplines can discover in their own way this truth and if the contextual theological studies with a commitment to academic excellence and with
its specific genius can show and promote their inter-relatedness through serious dialogue they all can contribute positively to the integral transformation of humans and their world.

Author Biography

Jacob Parappally, Tejas Vidya Peetah, Institute of Mission-oriented & Contextual Theology, Bangalore, India

Prof. Dr. Jacob Parappally MSFS holds a doctorate in Theology from the University of Freiburg, Germany, and was awarded a Professorship by the Vatican in 2000. He was teaching systematic theology at Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (JDV) Pune for 14 years where he served as the dean of the Faculty of Theology. He is a visiting professor of many theological faculties in India and Freiburg and Erfurt. He was the rector of Tejas Vidya Peetha, Institute of Mission-Oriented and Contextual Theology, Bangalore, and was the President of the Indian Theological Association (2005-2011) and the author of Emerging Trends in Indian Christology, The Meaning of Jesus Christ: An Introduction to Christology, A Way of the Cross for Today and the editor or co-editor of Theologizing in the Indian Context, The Church in India in Search of a New Identity, The World as Sacrament and Hope at the Dawn of a New Century, A Theology of Economics, A Hindu-Catholic, Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, He translated the second book on Jesus Christ by Pope Benedict to Malayalam. He published more than 100 theological articles. He is the chief editor of the Journal of Indian Theology.

For further literature by Jacob Parappally please see IxTheo.


Gaudium et Spes, No. 44.

K. Kunnumpuram, “Theology in India at Cross-roads,” Theologizing in India, M. Amalados, T.K. John, G. Gispert Sauch, eds. (Bangalore: TPI Publ., 1981), p. 5.

Sapientia Christiana of Pope John Paul II, Part I, Article, 3.


