Prépublication / Version 1

Epistemic Concerns in the Global South

Latinamerican Insights


  • Diego Irarrazaval Henriques Silva University


Keywords :

Amérique latine, Solidarité spirituelle, Éducation chrétienne, Leadership chrétien, Sud global


In the midst of pandemic stress, basics such as rice and health are shaping daily tasks and plans for an unpredictable future. People feel called, in many ways, to spiritual solidarity. What might happen in MWI and its intercontinental role? In 2007, Aparecida´s emphasis has been on discipleship and mission. The focus today is to listen to each other’s suffering, and as God's people respond to wholistic human needs. Latinamerican traditions intertwine as we enjoy fiestas and also confront injustice. What are the epistemic concerns? Unfortunately, the spiritual is often limited to feeling good. Solidarity is seen as donations to others (without mutual care). Such simplistic attitudes require reexamination and discernment. How is life understood in southern regions?

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Diego Irarrazaval, Henriques Silva University

Member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. He teaches at the Religious Studies Institute of the Catholic University of Silva Henriques in Chile, especially in matters of interreligious dialogue and anthropology.

For more articles by Diego Irarrazaval please see IxTheo.


Vth General Episcopal Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean ( “Relational wisdom and care, that confront dichotomies”, Voices (EATWOT´s journal), 2020/2, 73-79.

Pedro Casaldaliga, Clamor elemental, Salamanca: Sígueme, 1971 (poem “Saber esperar”).

Josef Estermann, Filosofia Andina, La Paz: ISEAT, 2006, pg. 218-219.

Julia Esquivel, The certainty of spring, USA, EPICA Task Force, 1992, poem: “I am not possessed”.

Julia Esquivel, poems “we are threatened with resurrection” and “I do not fear death”, El Padre Nuestro desde Guatemala y otros poemas, San José: DEI, 1981, 41.

Irene Foulkes, Problemas pastorales en Corinto, San José: Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana, 1996, pgs. 406-411.

Francis, 2013, Evangelii Gaudium n° 236

Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the oppressed, NY: Bloomsbury, 2001.

Myles Horton and Paulo Freire, We make the road by walking, Philadelphia: Temple University, 1990.

Mauro Mamani, “Yanantin: relación, complementariedad y cooperación en el mundo andino”, Revista Digital, Estudios de Teoria Literaria, 8/16, 2019, 191-203.

Luis Gustavo Meléndez Guerrero “El silencio como morada. Mística y poesía en relación”, Revista Iberoamericana de Teologia, n° 30, 2020, pg. 12:

Pablo Neruda, Todavía un dia, Still another day, XVII, 1969.


