Abolitionism and Legacies of Slavery in Eastern Africa
Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia
https://doi.org/10.48604/ct.438Keywords :
abolitionnisme, esclavage, Afrique de l'Est, Kenya, Somalie, Soudan, ÉthiopieRésumé
Slavery studies in eastern Africa are perceived as a peripheral subject of study with public acknowledgment of its non-existence or turning a blind eye to the manifestations of its legacies and mutability. Abolitionism was imaged magnanimously as the work of moral and diplomatic crusaders of what was described as a heinous crime and iniquitous practice against humanity. The consequence of the over-glorification of the foreign anti-slavery crusades led to historical inequality in reporting on the role of Africans in abolitionism. This book attempts to add an African voice to Abolitionism and post-abolition debates.
(c) Tous droits réservés Prof. Samuel Nyanchoga, Melvine C. Lilechi, Daniel Worku Kebede, Akalework Mengesha, Mohamed A. G. Bakhit (Author) 2023
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