Was ist Dialogkompetenz?
Theologie im Kontext der Religionen
Today’s theological outlooks often take into account their own intercultural situation; but they normally remain within one of these moods: Dogmatic re-affirmation – What is seen as other is not taken as a challenge for a theological re-development; Universal identification – Difference is declared to be merely superficial; Absoluto authorisation – Other views are seen as interesting in themselves but it is, then, not allowed to ask what it means for us and for
human beings in general that some have this stance: comparison and value judgment seem illegitimate.
If theology is not only academic input but a process of forming one of its aims is today's intercultural dialogue competence. What does that mean more precisely? Three formative objectives can be named, and each of them proves to be not only an aim but also a means:
Appreciation of plurality as a theological situation in which your own view comes into discussion. – Discernment of difference as a culture of fresh reflection and the courage to disagree without creating hatred. – Depth of encounter as a spiritual experience in which otherness can
become a moment of growth.
Four problem zones of intercultural theology are singled out: Living situations and study contexts that allow for the interreligious encounter. – Possibility of foreign students to understand the societal structures of their host country. – Spiritual direction and fields of experience. – Journeying to a third culture during the stay abroad.
Karl Josef Becker und Ilaria Morali, Catholic Engagement with World Religions, New York: Orbis, 2010.
Francis X Clooney, Comparative Theology. Deep Learning cross Religious Borders, Chichester 2010.
Francis X Clooney auch in: John Webster, Kathryn Tanner und Iain Torrance (Hgg.), The Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology, Oxford 2008, S. 653–668.
Klaus von Stosch, „Komparative Theologie der Religionen — ein Ausweg aus dem Grunddilemma jeder Theologie der Religionen“, in: Zeitschrift fu?r katholische Theologie 124 (2002), S. 294–311.
Joachim Wach, Religionswissenschaft. Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung, Leipzig 1924, S.26, zitiert nach Dirk Kemper, “Religionswissenschaft“, in: Historisches Wo?rterbuch der Philosophie, Band 8, Basel 1992, Sp. 771–774, Sp. 773).
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